Keynotes and invited talks

Invited Talk
Videojuegos para la evaluación y mejora cognitiva
Taller de Informática Médica para la Salud y Bienestar (ENC-IMSaBi) (August 2020, México)

Serious Games for Diagnosing and Supporting Health Treatments.
Ubihealth Summer School. Chile (2015)

Invited Talk
Context modeling in assistive and intelligent environments
CICESE, Mexico (2013)

Invited Talk
Serious Games for Digital Education and Health
Telefonica UCLM Smarthealth Seminar (November 2018, Spain)

Invited Talk
mHealth and Assistive Systems though Ambient Intelligence
University of Chile (2014)

Invited Talk
Context modeling to improve interactions with Smart Environments
University of Ulster (2010)

Assistive technologies for rehabilitation and cognitive improvement
(AmITIC 2018, Panama)
Academic Event Organizer

Hour of Code
Promoter of Hour-of-Code activities dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities (since 2015)

Scape Rooms
Geek Scape Rooms (Photo of Santa Tecla 2016)

EDU-ESI Workshop
Practical workshops for fourth grade students of the Faculty of Education in which they will be given the keys to learn how to teach programming and robotics to children.

Promoter of the ESI-Techlab, a dynamic and open space dedicated to interactive technologies.

Scientific Camp 2016
Sub-Project coordinator of this summer camp where 120 high school students experiment with science and technology.

Summer Schools
Promoter and coordinator os this program where children between 8 and 12 years old learn video game and robot programming.
Conferences (Organizer)

AmIHealth 2017
Track Chair
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA) November 7th-10th, 2017

AmIHealth 2016
Track Chair
Las Palmas (Canary Islands, Spain) December, 2016

UCAmI 2014
Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK) December, 2014

Health-i-coach 2017
Barcelona (Spain) May 23rd-26th, 2017

AmIHealth 2015
Pucon (Chile) December, 2015

IWAAL 2013
Costa Rica, December, 2013

Gamification and Serious Games
Hands-on Training on serious games development and gamification [10-20h]

Video games with Blender
Introduction to the development of video games with Blender [5-10h]

Video games with WPF
Introduction to the development of video games with Microsoft WPF. Your first virtual Tamagotchi [5-15h]