4. Work Packages

B&O: This WP entails all the coordination actions between members of the RST and the stakeholders. The two PIs of the project have leaded many previous regional, national and EU projects, as well as companies contracts. Because of that, they are experienced in coordination actions and the activities proposed in this WP, together with those of WP2, will assure a well-controlled flow of knowledge within GOT-SUSTERTECH. On the other hand, the more and more time-consuming administrative duties related to the research management of a project have oblied to quantify the time efforts dedicated to this administrative work, much of them not directly related to research. All this time is considered in WP1 and consists of: (1) selection and hiring of early stage researchers; (2) economic tracking of the activities; (3) writing technical and economic reports. Tasks included in this WP are coordinated by one of the PIs and involved to all RST. In case of any contingency, the other PI will take the responsibility.
R: MAR (0.2 pm)
RTM: PCC (0.1 pm) CSJ (0.1 pm) JLB(0.1 pm) CMF (0.1 pm) ELF (0.1 pm)
T1.1: Management of technical coordination. M1.1.1: Organization of six quarterly administrative coordination meetings among researchers of the RST (M1, M5, M9, M13, M17, M21) in addition to the daily technical communication in each tasks among the rearchers involved; M1.1.2: Organization of one meeting between researchers and potential stakeholders (M24); D1.1.1: Six minutes corresponding to each of the six quarterly coordination meetings among researchers (M1, M5, M9, M13, M17, M21); D1.1.2: One minutes of the meetings between researchers and stakeholders (M24).
T1.2: Hired researchers management. H1.2.1: Hiring of two early stage researchers (M6); D1.2.1: Documents about hiring ESR1 & ESR2 (M24).
T1.3: Cost management. H1.3.1: Quarterly management of cost and adquisitions (operation costs) (M1-M24); D1.3.1: Eight reports of justification documents (M1-M24).
T1.4: Preparation of scientific and technical follow-up reports for the Spanish Agency of Research. M1.4.1: Preparation of the half-period report (M12); M1.4.2: Preparation of the final report (M24); D1.4.1: Half-period report (M12); D1.4.2: Final Report (M24).
T1.5: Preparation of economic follow-up reports for the Spanish Agency of Research. M1.5.1: Preparation of economic reports (half-term and final) (M12, M24); D1.5.1: Two economic reports (M12, M24).
T1.6: Intelectual property management. In coordination with the decisions taken in WP7, here adminsitrative work will be carried out. M1.6.1: Administrative management of potential patents derived from project (M1-M24); M1.6.2. Administrative management of publications derived from the project (M1-M24); D1.6.1. Report on Patents (M24); D1.6.2. Report on publications (M24).

WP2. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (workload PRT: 0.7 pm)
B&O: In this WP all dissemination and technology transfer activities are included, as well as other ways of valuing of the obtained results for the Society. To reach this goal, there are several tasks that go from the development of a website aimed to spread knowledge to Society up to the organization of the Workshop GOT-SUSTERTECH, that aims to integrate stakeholders looking for opportunities of our technology to be further transferred to Society either in the remediation of other polluted sites of in the licencing of the technology. It is also included a task related to the coordination of the scientific dissemination in scientific meetings and also the compilation of all research works into the RUIDERA repository, in order to satisfy the legal requirement of open acces publication without charging excessively the economy of the project. It will also be evaluated which publications are worth to be golden-access, for which a budget has been applied in this proposal. At this point it should be noted that the purpose of this project is not scientific but we aim to transfer the technology. This means that only scientifically sound but not technically sound information will be published and that our publication target here is very low as compared with other projects (only 3-5 papers) and to our typical publicacion rate as E3L (>50 JCR/year). Opposite, we aim to publish technical reports in professional journals to attract the attention of potential stakeholders. Tasks included in this WP are coordinated by one of the PIs and involved to all RST. In case of any contingency, the other PI will take the responsability of this WP.
R: PCC (0.2 pm)
RTM: MAR (0.1 pm) CSJ (0.1 pm) JLB(0.1 pm) CMF (0.1 pm) ELF (0.1 pm)
IP: M1-M24
T2.1: Coordination of knowledge obtained in the project. M2.1.1: Coordination of knowledge among researchers and preparation of the quarterly progress report. (M1-M24); M2.1.2: Coordination of knowledge with stakeholders (M24); D2.1.1: Three internal progress reports for RST (M6-M12, M18); D2.1.2: One final progress report for stakeholders (M24).
T2.2: Website development and maintenance. M2.2.1: Development of the website (M1); M2.2.2: quarterly maintenance of the website (M2-M24); D2.2.1: publication of the website (M1); D2.2.2: quarterly update of the website (M2-M24).
T2.3: Organization of a technical Workshop to attract the attention of potential stakeholders. M2.3.1: Workshop GOT-SUSTERTECH (M18); D2.3.1: Meeting hold (M18).
T2.4. Final report and preparation of further actions. M2.4.1: Drawing of conclusions and preparation of final technical report (M24); M2.4.2: Planning of the next objectives and preparation proposals to get finantial support for the complete dismanting on the pond and the licensing or spin off initiatives according to WP7 (M24); D2.4.1: Final report on the research project (M24); D2.4.2: Application proposal/s for financial support for further actions (M24).
T2.5: Dissemination coordination. M2.5.1: Dissemination of generated knowledge in specialized fairs/congresses (M3-M24); M2.5.2: Dissemination of knowledge in journals and book chapters (only non technically sound results) (M3-M24); M2.5.3: Dissemination in alternative forums (M1-M24); D2.5.1: Report on dissemination (M24).
T2.6. Open access dissemination of research outcomes. M2.6.1: uploading of pubs into RUIDERA REPOSITORY (M4-M24); D2.6.1: Report on open access (M24)

B&O:. This WP focuses on the evaluation of the electrokinetic mobility of pollutants (HCH and other chlorinated hydrocarbons) and water contained in the sludge of the Sardas pond and, also, in the assessment of the gas-liquid transport associated to the ohmic heating produced in the sludge undergoing an electric field. The addition of reagents in the electrodes will also be tested trying to get better characteristics of the dewatered treated sludge. Tests will be carried out with bench-scale full-equipped mockups (already used in the previous SUSTERTECH4CH project for the same purpose, using synthetic samples instead of real sludge as it is proposed here) in the labs of the E3L, using specially mechanized vitreous carbon electrodes, suitable to collect or to distribute flushing fluids. These sealed plants (50x15x15 cm3) are equipped with pumps and reservoir tanks to add and collect flushing fluids and granular activated carbon filters to retain chlorinated hydrocarbons, power supplies and multimeters. Effect of the key parameters needed for the scale up (electric filed, flushing fluid formulation, reagents for conditioning treated sludge and reversion of polarity) and collection of treated sludge, liquid and gases streams produced, to be later used in WP4, will also be considered in this WP. Two of these parameters will be key to remove pollutants and water from sludge in a first remediation stage (electric field and flushing fluid formulation), while the other two (reversion of polarity and reagents for conditioning sludge) to dewater the sludge in a second treatment stage. AI: 8 bench scale full-equipped mockups already existing from the Project SUSTERTECH. E3L analytical equipment (HPLC, GC-MS) already set up in SUSTERTECH for the same species. Experimental work will be carried out at the UCLM facilities. It is required the transport of sludge from Sardas pond to UCLM facilities and cost is included in the GCON budget items.
R: CSJ (0.25 pm)
RTM: PCC (0.25 pm)
IP: M1-M6
T3.1. Characterization of sludge water and contaminant mobility under the action of the electric field during the first electrochemically assisted stage. The mobility of water (by electro-osmosis between anode and cathode), HCH and other chlorinated hydrocarbons contained in the sludge will be assessed using electric fields within the range 0.5-3.0 V cm-1 and using different formulation of flushing fluids (SDS, Emulse among others). In this stage, electrokinetics are the primary mechanisms. Data obtained will not only be used for the design of the case studies aimed in WP5 but also, they will be used to validate models formulated in SUSTERTECH and adapted in WP6. Liquid samples will be stored for further use in T4.1. GAC used to retain chlorinated hydrocarbons transferred to the gas phase will also be stored for further use in T4.2. R: CSJ; IP: M1-M4. RE: GCON3.1. M.3.1.1. Characterization of the effect of electric field in the first treatment stage. M.3.1.2. Characterization of the effect of the formation of the flushing fluid in the first treatment stage. D.3.1.1 RSP on the effect of the electric field on the performance of the electrochemically-assisted sludge treatment (M3). D.3.1.2 RSP on the influence of the formulation of the flushing fluid on the electrochemically-assisted sludge treatment (M4).
T3.2. Characterization of dewatered sludge obtained during the second electrochemically assisted stage. This task aims to evaluate the effect of polarity reversal and formulation of conditioning reagents on the quality of the sludge produced after the second electrochemically assisted treatment stage (once most of the water content of the sludge has been depleted). In this case, ohmic heating is the primary mechanisms. As reagents for conditioning the sludge, solutions containing calcium chloride and calcium carbonate will be added. The reversibility cycles will be evaluated within the range 1-7 days. Experimental results will be used to validate models formulated in SUSTERTECH and adapted in WP6. Gases and liquids produced during the treatment will also be stored for used in WP4 although concentrations will be much lower than in the case of T3.1. Treated sludge with low content of chlorinated organics and water will be stored for further processing in T4.3. R: PCC; IP:M3-M6; RE: GCON3.2. M3.2.1. Characterization of the effect of polarity reversibility. M3.2.2. Characterization of the effect of conditioning reagents. D3.2.1 RSP on the effect of polarity reversibility (M5); D3.2.2. RSP on the effect of conditioning fluid (M6)

B&O:. The treatment of liquid and gaseous streams generated during the electro-remediation of the sludge in the two stages is an aspect that should not be skyped out if a global environmental solution is to be given to the problem. Also, the refining of the quality of the treated sludge. This WP addresses the study of different strategies for the treatment of sludge, liquid wastes and gaseous streams generated during the process. For this, it will be used the processed sludge, the leachates, as well as the GAC beds used for the retention of volatilized compounds in the tests carried out in WP3. Experimental work will be carried out at the UCLM facilities. AI: bench-scale plants equipped with cells developed in the E3L and previously used in the SUSTERTECH project. All facilities are fully equipped with reactors, storage tanks, stirring and pumping systems, power supplies, etc. 2 full equipped bench-scale ADE plants. Analytical equipment already been used in the SUSTERTECH project. 2 solid stripping plants equipped with air compressor, pumps and stripping/reaction column.
R: MAR (0.2 pm)
RTM: ELF (0.2 pm) CMF (0.2 pm)
IP: M3-M8
T4.1. Treatability of the liquid waste streams generated in the electrochemically-assisted sludge treatment. The suitability of electro-fenton technology developed in SUSTERTECH4CH (the most interesting treatment technique according to the results of this previous project) will be evaluated. The electrochemical cell (specially development by E3L during SUSTERTECH4CH and capable to operate at high pressures) will be equipped with MMO as anode and porous metal supports coated with PTFE/carbon black mixture as cathode. The most suitable operating conditions (current density, pressure and iron dosing) will be chosen. The liquid effluents generated in the two tasks of WP3 will be used (with a very different chlorinated hydrocarbons concentration range). Data obtained will be used to validate models formulated in SUSTERTECH4CH and adapted in WP6. R: ELF; IP: M3-M6. RE: GCON4.1. M4.1.1. Treatability of flushing wastes by electro-fenton (M6). D4.1.1 Report on the treatability of sludge washing waters contaminated with HCH (M6).
T4.2. Electrochemical regeneration of the GAC adsorption beds used for gas retention during the electrochemically assisted sludge treatment. GAC used in WP3 to capture chlorinated hydrocarbons during the treatment of sludge will be regenerated using the very innovative ADE process developed in SUSTERTECH, in which methanol is used to desorb the organics and then, this polluted methanol is electrolysed using electrochemical oxidation with diamond electrodes. This process will be optimized (GAC/methanol rates, current density, loss of properties of GAC after each regeneration cycle) and results obtained will be used to validate models formulated in SUSTERTECH and adapted in WP6. R: MAR; IP: M3-M7. RE: GCON4.2. M4.2.1. Regeneration of GAC beds using ADE process (M7). D4.2.1 RSP on the regeneration of GAC beds using ADE technology (M7).
T4.3. Refining of the quality of the treated sludge. Treated sludge will be further processed in a column where air will be flowed to strip chlorinated organics or in biopiles. To promote their biological removal with autochthonous microorganisms already existing in the pond to obtain a non-hazardous product that can be placed again in the site as soil coverage contributing to the circular economy view of the project. The gas outlet will be connected to ADE process to prevent hazardous gaseous emissions even at extremely low concentrations. Experimental results obtained will be used to validate models formulated. R: CMF; IP: M3-M8. RE: GCON4.3. M4.2.1. Polishing of sludge for being placed in site (M8). D4.2.1 RSP on the polishing of sludge (M8).

B&O: The move to a field scale in this type of treatment poses a significant engineering challenge due to the lack of references and the huge size of the polluted site. As far as the research team knows, it will be one of the largest test ever conducted with electrochemical technologies and perhaps will become a world reference. In a first approach, the sludge pond will be divided in sections of 7 x7 sqm and it will be planned two cases of study (in two different plots during different seasons) with the most suitable technology developed in SUSTERTECH4CH and according to results of WP3 and WP4. To do this, four well differentiated stages are planned, corresponding to the four tasks of this WP. During the implementation of the technology and the development of the tests, external contamination control points, monitoring systems and explosiveness will be established, as well as the usual health and safety measures to person working on the polluted site. The analysis of all samples will be carried out in the DGA laboratories.
R: CSJ (0.4 pm)
RTM: PCC (0.4 pm) MAR (0.4 pm) JLB(0.1 pm) CMF (0.1 pm) ELF (0.2 pm)
IP: M4-M23
T5.1. Engineering office. The planning of the cases of study with the most promising alternative according to expertise of SUSTERTECH4CH and results of WP3 and WP4 will be carried out. A priori two plots of 7×7 sqm (and 1 m of depth) will be treated. To parcel up this area, a 2-meter-wide screen of assembled modules will be arranged around the perimeter of the test plot, with a central corridor to facilitate the installation of electrodes and monitoring. This floating structure will support the bubble chamber to isolate and facilitate the capture of the gases generated. The outer perimeter will be isolated by a simple sheet piling to prevent the entry of water from the outside. The need of pumping will be evaluated to prevent the leachate from exceeding the height of the sheet pile. In a first approach, a network of 4 rows of 4 electrodes (hollow tubes inserted in the sludge) is estimated, alternating rows of cathodes and anodes with the option of alternating polarity. This is our preliminary idea but it is important to take in mind that it could be reengineered according to results obtained in WP3 and WP4. In this first stage of engineering design, the design of the necessary infrastructure will be finalized, which will be reflected in a construction project. This project will include the pontoon, the structure that will form the skeleton of the insulation bubble and the bubble itself, the sheet piling system to isolate the area, the gas collection equipment, the electrical power system (solar panels and storage system), the preparation and distribution of reagents, the collection of leachates and the installation of gas and fluid treatment equipment. Additionally, it will be defined collective preventive measures, PPE and work protocols, which will be materialized in an EBSS. R: MAR(with the assistante of JGC) ; IP: M4-M8. RE: travel budget for meetings and visits to the site. M5.1.1. Selection of the treatment strategy for the remediation of Sardas pond (M6). M5.1.2. Layout of the demonstration cells (M8). D5.1.1. Report on the planning of the case of studies in Sardas pond (M8).
T5.2. Arranging dismantling tecnology on site. Acquisition of the necessary and commissioning for the implementation of the remediation strategy development for the two cases of study. AI:1 pilot plants of electrochemical oxidation equipped with WATERDIAM cells (1 sqm) already existing and previously used in the SUSTERTECH4CH project (all facilities are fully equipped with reactors, storage tanks, stirring and pumping systems, power supplies, etc), 2 adsorption column of 200 L, 2 solid stripping plants of 200 L equipped with air compressor, pumps and stripping/reaction column. Analytical equipment already been used in the Sustertech project, R: CSJ (with the assistante of RLM); IP: M8-M10. RE: GCON5.2. Solar panels with batteries to power the system electrically. Mechanization of five electro-Fenton cells in workshop. Commissioning assemblage of the different equipment by a local contracting company. M5.2.1. Acquisition of components (M9). M5.2.2. Arranging site to be treated (M10). D5.2.1. Report on arrangement work in Sardas pond (M10).
T5.3. Running two tests. The trials will be implemented, if possible, between the months of December and March (test 1) and June and September (test 2), although the application time is one of the unknowns that must be resolved that will depend on the kickoff. They will provide relevant information on the influence of weather conditions on the treatment. It will be carried out in five stages: 1) Mobilization with surfactants: the surfactant solution and the addition point will depend on the selected in T3.1. This stage will continue until the concentrations of HCH and its decomposition products are stabilized both in the captured fluids and in the sludge. 2) Conditioning the sludge to favor its conditioning, according to results obtained in T 3.2. 3) To dry the sludge, it would stop supplying fluid and the water that arrives by electroosmosis would be withdrawn from the cathode. The process will stop below field capacity. 4) Gases collected during the first stages will be treatment by ADE technology according to results obtained in T4.2. 5) The extracted fluids collected during the first stages would be pumped to reservoir tanks and treated by electro-fenton according to results obtained in T4.1. It will work in batches from the first phase to take advantage of the recovered surfactant as far as possible, for the rest of the treated fluids its destination will be the wastewater treatment plant. R: PCC (with the assistante of JFC); IP: M11-M22. RE: GCON5.3. M5.3.1. Running test 1 for 4 months (M16). M5.3.2. Running test 2 for 4 months (M22). D5.3.1. Report on results of test 1 (M17). D5.3.2. Report on results of test 2 (M23).
T5.4. Assessing the treatment and final destination of the waste extracted from the pond. The sludge will undergo the treatment defined in T.4.3 (biopiles or stripping and biological treatment enhanced by nutrient addition). Quality will be exhaustively checked for being later used in the restoration of the old landfill of Bailín. In case quality is not high enough alternative management options (thermal desorption, incineration, etc.) will be considered. For internal management, dried sludge will be removed using a mini-excavator, filling the holes left with an inert material. R: PCC (with the assistante of JFC); IP: M15-M22. RE: GCON5.4. M5.4.1. Refining the quality of treated sludge of test1 (M18). M5.4.2. Refining the quality of treated sludge of test 2 (M22). D5.4.1. Report on the refining the quality of treated sludge of test 1 (M18). D5.4.2. Report on the refining the quality of treated sludge of test 2 (M22).
B&O: The aim of this task is going further of the DNSH principles, with the assessment of the impact of implementation of circular economy strategys, LCA, LCC and green energies into the SUSTERTECH4CH technology. We are making the difference in all our on-going research projects with the environmental impact, because we are conviced that it is becoming a real humankind neccesity and as researchers we have to do our best. All the technologies developed will be analyzed as a whole, throughout the use of eco-efficiency tools, carbon footprint analysis, energy analysis and the evaluation of uses of the different by-products, to determine what is needed to achieve optimal technology, not only from the viewpoint of economy but also of sustainability. It will also make an effort in evaluating how circular economy principles can be included. Modelling, using our previous experience in SUSTERTECH4CH in which renewable powering and treatment technologies models were succesfully formulated, coupled and used to optimize the green energy obtained to get higher remediation efficiencies, will also be considered in order to get a simulation tool which can not only be used for the later complete dismantling of the pond but also for the evaluation of the applicability of the technology to other polluted sites as it will be aimed in WP7. TRL level aimed for this WP is 7 considering that we are using real data in all tools. A very important point will be the application of LCA and LCC tools to the SUSTERTECH4CH technology with full scale data for the first time
R: CMF (0.2 pm)
RTM: MAR (0.1 pm) PCC (0.1 pm)CSJ (0.1 pm) JLB (0.2 pm) ELF (0.1 pm)
IP: M3-M20
T6.1. Analysis and optimization of Sustainability. This activity seeks to maximize the eco-efficiency of the technologies developed, in agreement with the global objective in the previous SUSTERTECH4CH of generating sustainable technologies using LCA and LCC tools, in which our group is experienced. Alternatives will be evaluated to minimize the cost of environmental improvement (cost per unit of environmental improvement) and the environmental intensity (environmental impact per unit of environmental improvement) of the technologies studied. The concept of eco-efficiency will include the analysis of cost, energy consumption, carbon & water footprints, raw materials involved and by-products generated in each gas treatment technology, oxidant generation and energy storage. The eco-efficiency of treatment technologies will be increased by the reduction of energy consumption, the coupling of renewable energy production systems and the use of the by-product generated. Therefore, processes with zero (or even negative) environmental cost or impact could be developed. This activity provides an extreme level of coordination, in the sense that T6.1 receives and provides information to the rest of the activities of the project, so this activity will involve all RST. R: CMF; IP: M6-M20. M6.1.1: LCA (life cycle assessment) of technologies WP5 (M20); ; M6.1.2: LCC (life cycle costing) of technologies WP5 (M20). D6.1.1: RSP on sustainability of of the technologies implemented (M20).
T6.2 Understanding throughout modelling. In parallel with WP5, the modelling of the processes will also be carried out with our own codes developed in SUSTERTECH4CH, including the modelling of the treatment technnologies (sludge, gas and liquid) and that of solar panels. It is aimed to understand better the mass & energy balances and the fundamental mechanims of the processes involved in the operation of each plot of the pond treated. Obtained information will assist in the succesful planning of the complete remediation of the pond and will become a very important tool to evaluate if the technology can be applied to other sites. Experimental data to estimate parameters and validate the formulations will be gathered from the WP5. R: JLB; IP: M3-M20. M6.2.1: Adapting green energy powering models (M8); M6.2.2: adapting electrochemically assisted treament models (M8); M6.2.3: coupling models and validating formulation with data of WP5 (M20); D6.2.1: RSP on modelling results (M20).

B&O: The transfer of the technology to society needs for an special attention to details beyond the scientific scope looked for in a typical scientific research project. Because of that, this WP has a double goal in which we want to return the Society the investment in research by helping in solving completely the dismantling of the pond and by “switching on” the machine to produced added value from our technology with the help of the two partners that are helping the E3L to raise the TRL of the SUSTERTECH4CH technology. First we want to go further in our environmental responsability and to plan completely the way in which the remediation of the sludge contained in the pond site can be completed with all the information obtained in the two pilots experiences carried out and the simulation tools adapted in WP6 in order to do this in the most efficient way. This goal is not only technological but also pragmatic trying to find the neccesary funds to solve this very important enviromental problem. The second is to consolidate the value chain for the technology up to the moment in which we can make that our sustertech and GOT-SUSTERTECH projects can return the financial investment made on it to society highlighting the important added values of the technology of the dismantling of polluted ponds polluted with chlorinated organics with the integral view in which the treatment considers not only the sludge but also the liquid and gaseous streams produced.
R: PCC (0.3 pm)
RTM: MAR (0.1 pm) JLB (0.1 pm) CSJ (0.1 pm) CMF (0.1 pm) ELF (0.1 pm)
T7.1. Planning the full restoration of the Sabiñáñigo landfill pond site. It is aimed to solve one of the most dramatic environmental problems in Spain not only from the technological point of view but also from economic and societal points of view. After analyzing the results of WP5, it contemplates evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of extrapolating the application of this technology to the treatment of the entire pond, as well as analyzing and adjusting the methodological steps so that the technique is exportable to other similar situations and sludge with other polluting compounds. R: CSJ; IP: M12-M20. M7.1.1: Using simulation with the model to optimize the complete remediation of the pond (M18); M7.1.2: evaluating cost of the complete dismantling of the pond(M23); M7.1.3: Looking for finantial support sources to complete the action (M24); D7.1.1: RSP on modelling (M20); D7.1.2: RSP with an complete engineering proposal to remediate the complete pond (M23)
T7.2. Exploring the ways of getting added value from the technology. In conection with WP1 (where administrative work will be made), with the help of the Office of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of UCLM and legal offices of DGA and EMGRISA we will explore the possibility of valorizate the knowledge obtained in SUSTERTECH4CH and GOT-SUSTERTECH in a way in which the technology and the expertise developed can be used in the dismantling of any other polluted pond containing organochlorinated sludge and returning the investment by creating employment and giving added value to the consortium. The UCLM will support this task with different programs to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of GOT-SUSTERTECH researchers: 1) «UCLMemprende», to support entrepreneurial projects of the UCLM, 2) courses on intellectual property organized by OTRI, 3) “Boosting the creation of Spin Off in the university environment» developed in collaboration with the European Center for Business and Innovation-CEEI Ciudad Real to promote the creation of Spin Off in the university environment and other actions aimed at promoting entrepreneurship. It is aimed to determine the added value of our iniciative and the feasibility of the application of the technology for other environmental ponds polluted with lindane or other chlorinated hydrocarbons. Also to realize our strenghen expertise in developing operating procedures and tools (what can be commercialized? Who will Benefit?). Launching the sustertech public comercial iniciative by drawing the marketable technology and how benefits are going to be distributed among partners with the reinboursement to face the complete dismantling of the Sardas point will also be consideredeither by licencing of creating a spin-off company. R: PCC; IP: M18-M24. M7.2.1: Using simulation with the model to optimize the complete remediation of the pond (M22); M7.2.2: Evaluating cost of the complete dismantling of the pond(M24); M7.2.3: Looking for finantial support sources to complete the action (M24); M7.2.4: Assessment of the technical added economic value of GOT-SUSTERTECH: what can be really sold?(M24); M7.2.5: Evaluation of the better alternative to valorizate GOT-SUSTERTECH: spinoff or patent/licencing (M24); D7.2.1: RSP with an complete engineering proposal to remediate the complete pond (M24); D7.2.2: RSP with a complete bussiness plan for the economic valorization of the SUSTERTECH4CH and GOT-SUSTERTECH iniciatives(M24).