Turn off the lights and help our planet!!!
In-Focus: Public policy and Renewable Energy.
Today we have had a meeting with experts in order to discuss the role of public policy in the deployment of Renewable Energy. Thanks so much to our 5 guest speakers Aída Gómez (UNEF), Miguel Ángel Patiño (Expansión), Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera (Iberdrola), Francisco Valverde (consultant) and Pablo del Río (CSIC) for their valuable insights!!!
In-Focus: round table on the role of public policies regarding renewable energies.
Next 20 March, 2018, a round table regarding renewable energies and public policies will take place in the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at Ciudad Real. An excellent pannel of five specialists who will share their points of wiew about the role of policy with respect to the promotion of renewable energies.
Limited capacity. If you are interested in attending the event, please contact us by e-mail: miguelangel.tarancon@uclm.es
Merry Christmas!
All we wish you a peaceful Xmas and a happy, healthy New Year 2018!
Attending the 16th World Wind Energy Conference at Malmö, Sweden.
Fernando Callejas Albiñana, Consolación Quintana Rojo and Miguel-Ángel Tarancón Morán (from left to right), researchers of the SeS, attended the World Wind Energy Conferenced held in Malmö, Sweden, on 12, 13 and 14 June 2017. Consolación presented the paper «Identifying the drivers for increasing Wind Energy Capacity. The case of Spain.»
2017 Spring Workshop has been held at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.
The 2017 Spring Workshop of the Seminar of Sustainable Economy was held at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences in Ciudad Real last Friday. Several papers in progress were presented and discussed by all the researchers involved. The main topics discussed during the meeting were: support policies for CSP technologies, evolution of the costs in wind on-shore power, investment in energy efficiency R&D, and models for optimal decisions on power storage. In the photo, from left to right, José García Quevedo, from University of Barcelona; María Jesús Gutiérrez Pedrero, from UCLM; Fernando Callejas Albiñana, from UCLM; Natalia Caldés Gómez, from CIEMAT; Emilio López Cano, from UCLM; Miguel Ángel Tarancón, from UCLM; María Jesús Ruiz Fuensanta, from UCLM: Consolación Quintana Rojo, from UCLM; and Pablo del Río González, from CSIC.
2017 Spring Workshop: Program.
2017 Spring Workshop.
Today we celebrate the onset of Spring. Thus, there is no better day to announce our first Spring Workshop!
The time for renewable energy (encounter with prof. Pablo del Río).
This morning, professor Pablo del Río, from the Institute of Public Goods and Policies, gave a lecture on Renewable Energy and support measures at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. In front of a wide audience made up of students and lecturers from the Faculty, professor del Río explained the need to deploy renewable energy in order to preserve a sustainable economic growth consistent with the mitigation of Global Warming and other benefits. Finally, he explored some public instruments for supporting such a deployment in the electricity sector, with a special focus on auction tools.
Conference by Pablo del Río at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (UCLM).
Next February, 23th, Prof. Pablo del Río, researcher at the CSIC, will be giving a Conference on «How can we support renewable energies effectively and efficiently? The case of the auctions», whithin the «Encounters» iniciative of the Seminar on Sustainable Economy.