Research ID: C-7140-2009
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SCI papers
H. Chen, Z. Wu, R.C. Yu (2025). Simulation of mixed mode I-II fatigue crack propagation in concrete with different strengths. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 104779.
W. Zhang, Z. Wu, R.C. Yu, J. Zheng (2025). Modelling unstable crack propagation in concrete by finite element method with continuous nodal stress. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 135, 104767.
M. Jia, Z. Wu, Q. Li, X. Jiang, H. Jin, R.C. Yu, S. Xu (2024). A probabilistic prediction method for mode I fatigue life of concrete based on the statistical laws of material parameters. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110429.
X. Han, H. Wang, H. Gao, J. Zheng, R.C. Yu, Z. Wang, Z. Wu (2024). Fracture energy of concrete after sustained loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110350.
H. Wang, J. Xu, J. Zhao, X. Han, K. Pan, R.C. Yu, Z. Wu (2024). Axial Compression Behavior of Circular Seawater and Sea Sand Concrete Columns Reinforced with Hybrid GFRP–Stainless Steel Bars. Materials, 17 (8), 1767.
X. Han, Z. Wu, H. Gao, J. Zheng, R.C. Yu (2024). Tension-softening constitutive model of concrete under sustained loading. Construction and Building Materials, 421, 135623.
M. Jia, Z. Wu, X. Jiang, R.C. Yu, X. Zhang, Y. Wang (2024). Modified Paris law for mode I fatigue fracture of concrete based on crack propagation resistance. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 104383.
H. Wang, J. Xu, X. Jiang, X. Han, K. Pan, R.C. Yu, Z. Wu (2024). Flexural behavior of GFRP-RC beams confined with CFRP in compression zone. Engineering Structures, 302, 117348.
M. Jia, Z. Wu, Q. Li, X. Jiang, H. Jin, R.C. Yu, S. Xu (2024). A probabilistic prediction method for mode I fatigue life of concrete based on the statistical laws of material parameters. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110429.
G. Ruiz, A. D. L. Rosa, J. Ortega, E. Poveda, R.C. Yu, M. Tarifa, X. Zhang, L. Garijo 82024), Fatigue of sfrc in compression: Size effect & autogenous self-healing, Materiales de Construcción 74 (356)e356.
K. Pan, Z. Wu, R.C. Yu, X. Zhang (2023). Study on the dynamic fracturing characteristics of aggregate-mortar interface under various loading rates using DIC. Construction and Building Ma- terials, 403, 133069.
J. Xu, Z. Wu, Q. Cao, R.C. Yu (2023). Eccentric compression behavior of seawater and sea sand concrete columns reinforced with GFRP and stainless steel bars. Engineering Structures, 291, 116486.
M.H. Zeng, Z.M. Wu, J.J. Zheng, R.C. Yu (2023). A mesoscopic numerical method for fracture energy of concrete. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 46 (7), 2380-2395.
X.Y. Han, Z.M. Wu, M.D. Jia, J.J. Zheng, R.C. Yu (2023). A new method for determining the tension- softening curve of concrete. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 103992.
K. Pan, R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz, X. Zhang, Á. De La Rosa, Z. Wu (2023). Evolution of the FPZ in steel fiber-reinforced concrete under dynamic mixed-mode loading. Construction and Building Materials, 377, 131110.
M. Jia, Z. Wu, H. Wang, R.C. Yu, X. Zhang (2023). Analytical method for predicting mode I crack propagation process of concrete under low-cycle fatigue loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 109320.
M. Jia, Z. Wu, R.C. Yu, X. Zhang (2023). Modeling of Mixed Mode I–II Fatigue Fracture of Concrete Based on Paris Law. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35 (5), 04023078.
X.R. Li, Z.M. Wu, J.J. Zheng, R.C. Yu (2023). Bond performance of ribbed bars in concrete: effects of loading rate and lateral tension. Magazine of Concrete Research, 75 (8), 402-416.
Y. Wu, S. Xu, Q. Li, R.C. Yu (2023). Occurrence condition for steady crack propagation in quasi-brittle fracture and its application in determining initial fracture toughness. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 112094.
J. Xu, Z. Wu, H. Jia, R.C. Yu, Q. Cao (2023). Axial compression of seawater sea sand concrete columns reinforced with hybrid FRP–stainless steel bars. Magazine of Concrete Research, 75 (13), 685-702.
W.M. Li, Z.M. Wu, J.J. Zheng, R.C. Yu (2023). Bond of Plain Bars in Early-Age Concrete under Bilateral Pressures. Structural Journal.
D.C. González, Á. Mena, G. Ruiz, J.J. Ortega, E. Poveda, J. Mínguez, R.C. Yu, et al. (2023). Size effect of steel fiber–reinforced concrete cylinders under compressive fatigue loading: Influence of the mesostructure. International Journal of Fatigue, 167:107353.
W. Zhang, Z.M. Wu, R.C. Yu, F.J. Chen (2023). Finite element modeling of dynamic fracture in con- crete through the initial fracture toughness-based criterion and field variable transference technique. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 103777.
J. Barros, B. Sanz, M. Filho, F. Figueiredo, P. Kabele, R.C. Yu, G. Meschke, et al. (2023). Blind competition on the numerical simulation of continuous shallow steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams failing in bending. Structural Concrete.
J Barros, B Sanz, P Kabele, RC Yu, G Meschke, J Planas, V Cunha, et al. Competición a ciegas de simulaciones numéricas de vigas de hormigón reforzado con fibras que fallan a cortante, Hormigón y Acero 73 (296), 17-39
M Jia, Z Wu, X Han, H Chen, RC Yu, Experimental investigation and modified calculation model of critical crack propagation length of concrete, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 103561, 2022
XR Li, ZM Wu, JJ Zheng, RC Yu, Bond performance of ribbed bars in concrete: effects of loading rate and lateral tension, Magazine of Concrete Research, 1-15, 2022
JJ Ortega, G Ruiz, E Poveda, DC González, M Tarifa, XX Zhang, RC Yu, MA Vicente, A. De la Rosa, L. Garijo. Size effect on the compressive fatigue of fibre-reinforced concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 322, 126238, 2022
S Blasón, AF Canteli, E Poveda, G Ruiz, RC Yu, E Castillo, Damage evolution and probabilistic strain-lifetime assessment of plain and fiber-reinforced concrete under compressive fatigue loading: Dual and integral phenomenological model, International Journal of Fatigue, 106739, 2022.
M.D. Jia, Z.M. Wu, R.C. Yu, X.X. Zhang, Tension-softening constitutive relation and numerical simulation method for mode I fatigue crack propagation in concrete. International Journal of Fracture, 2022
M.D. Jia, Z.M. Wu, R.C. Yu, X.X. Zhang, Experimental and numerical study on mixed mode I-II fatigue crack propagation in concrete, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2022
M Jia, Z Wu, RC Yu, X Zhang, Experimental investigation of mixed mode I–II fatigue crack propagation in concrete using a digital image correlation method, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 108712, 2022
Z.M. Wu, X.X. Zhang, Z. Ma, X.R. Li & R.C. Yu. Bond behavior of deformed bars in self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete at early ages Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,33(2),04020460, 2021
J. Barros, B. Sanz, P. Kabele, R.C. Yu, G. Meschke, J. Planas, et al., Blind competition on the numerical simulation of steel‐fiber‐reinforced concrete beams failing in shear, Structural Concrete, a fib CEB-FIP journal, 22(2), 939-967, 2021.
M Jia, Z Wu, RC Yu, X Zhang, Residual fracture energy of concrete suffering from fatigue loading Engineering Fracture Mechanics 255, 107956, 2021
X Li, Z Wu, J Zheng, RC Yu, X Zhou, Effect of loading rate on the bond behaviour of plain round bars in concrete subjected to uniaxial lateral tension, Magazine of Concrete Research 73 (20), 1033-1047, 2021
K. Pan, R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz, X. Zhang, Z. Wu, Á. De La Rosa (2021). The propagation speed of mul- tiple dynamic cracks in fiber-reinforced cement-based composites measured using DIC. Cement and Concrete Composites, 104140.
M.H. Ma, Z.M. Wu, J.J. Zheng, Y.J. Wang, R.C. Yu, X.D. Fei (2021). Effect of loading rate on mixed mode I-II crack propagation in concrete. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 112, 102916.
H.W. Wang, Z.M. Wu, Y.J. Wang & R.C. Yu. Investigation on crack propagation perpendicular to mortar–rock interface: experimental and numerical, International Journal of Fracture, 2020.
K.M. Pan, R.C. Yu, X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, Z.M. Wu. The propagation speed of dynamic mode-I cracks in self-compacting steel fiber-reinforced concrete, Materials (2020), 13, 4053.
Y.J. Wang, Z.M. Wu, JJ Zheng, R.C. Yu & XM Zhou. Three-dimensional axisymmetric analytical method for pull-out behavior of adhesive anchors in concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 226 (2020) 106876.
E. Poveda, R.C. Yu, M. Tarifa, G. Ruiz, V.M.C.F. Cunha & J.A.O. Barros, Rate effect in inclined fibre pull-out for smooth and hooked-end fibres: a numerical study. International Journal of Fracture 223(2020) 135–149.
Z.M. Wu, R.C. Yu, C.Y. Sun, Y.J. Wang & X.X. Zhang. A new test method for the complete load-displacement curve of concrete under mixed mode I-II fracture. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 108(2020):102629.
H.W. Wang, Z.M. Wu, Y.J. Wang & R.C. Yu. An analytical method for predicting mode-I crack propagation process and resistance curve of rock and concrete materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 100(2019):328-341.
G. Ruiz, A. de la Rosa, L.C. Almeida, E. Poveda, X.X. Zhang, M. Tarifa, Z.M, Wu & R.C. Yu, Dynamic mixed-mode fracture in SCC reinforced with steel fibers: an experimental study, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 129(2019)101-111.
T. Jiang, Z.M. Wu, H.H. Ye, X.D. Fei & R.C. Yu, Bond Behavior of Deformed Bars in Self-Compacting Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Subjected
to Lateral Tensions, J. of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019,31(9),04019176.
M.H. Ma, Z.M. Wu, X.Z. Hu, R.C. Yu & X.D. Fei, Loading‐rate dependence of mode I crack growth in concrete, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2019;1-12.
H.W. Wang, Z.M. Wu, Y.J. Wang, R.C. Yu & Y. Liu. An analytical method for crack propagation process of lightly reinforced concrete beams considering bond-slip behavior. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 220(2019):106654.
R.C. Yu, P. Navas and G. Ruiz. Meshfree modeling of the dynamic mixed-mode fracture in FRC through an eigensoftening approach. Engineering Structures, 172 (2018)94-104.
P. Navas, R.C. Yu, B. Li and G. Ruiz. Modeling the dynamic fracture in concrete: an eigensoftening meshfree approach. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 113(2018)9-20
P. Navas, L. Sanavia, S. Lopez-Querol and R.C. Yu. U − w formulation for dynamic problems in large deformation regime solved through an implicit meshfree scheme. Computational Mechanics, in press, 2018
P. Navas, S. Lopez-Querol, R.C. Yu and M. Pastor. Optimal transportation meshfree method in geotechnical engineering problems under large deformation regime. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 115(2018)1217-1240
P. Navas, L. Sanavia, S. Lopez-Querol and R. C. Yu. Explicit meshfree solution for large deformation dynamic problems in saturated porous media. Acta Geotechnica, 13(2018)227-242
J.J. Ortega, G. Ruiz, R.C. Yu, N. Afanador-García, M. Tarifa, E. Poveda, X.X. Zhang and F. Evangelista Jr., Number of tests and corresponding error in concrete fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue 116 (2018) 210–219.
L. Garijo, X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, J.J. Ortega and R.C. Yu. Advanced mechanical characterization of NHL mortars and cohesive simulation of their failure behavior. Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 569–577.
J.D. Ríos, H. Cifuentes, R.C. Yu and G. Ruiz. Probabilistic flexural fatigue in plain and fiber-reinforced concrete. Materials 10, 767 (2017) 1–25.
E. Poveda, G. Ruiz, H. Cifuentes, R.C. Yu and X.X. Zhang. Influence of the fiber content on the compressive low-cycle fatigue behavior of self-compacting SFRC. International Journal of Fatigue 101 (2017) 9–17.
M.J. Rivas-López, R.C. Yu, J. López-Fidalgo and G. Ruiz. Optimal experimental design on the loading frequency for a probabilistic fatigue model for plain and fibre-reinforced concrete. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 113 (2017) 363–374.
R.C. Yu, H. Cifuentes, I. Rivero, G. Ruiz and X.X. Zhang. Dynamic fracture behaviour in fibre-reinforced cementitious composites. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 93 (2016) 135–152.
Y. Wu, S.L. Xu, Q. Li, G. Ruiz and R.C. Yu. Estimation of real fracture parameters of a dam concrete with large size aggregates through wedge splitting tests of drilled cylindrical specimens. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 163 (2016) 23–36.
G. Ruiz, J.J. Ortega, R.C. Yu, S.L. Xu and Y. Wu. Effect of size and cohesive assumptions on the double-K fracture parameters of concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 166 (2016) 198–217.
R. Porras, J.R. Carmona, R.C. Yu and G. Ruiz. Experimental study on the fracture of lightly reinforced concrete elements subjected to eccentric compression. Materials and Structures 49, pp. 87-100, 2016.
P. Navas, S. López-Querol, R.C. Yu and B. Li. B-Bar based algorithm applied to meshfree schemes to solved unconfined seepage problems through porous media. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 40:962-984, 2016.
P. Navas, R.C. Yu, S. López-Querol and B. Li. Dynamic consolidation problems in saturated soils solved through u-w formulation in a LME meshfree framework. Computers and Geotechanics,79(2016)55-72
H. Zhang and R.C. Yu. Inclined fibre pullout from a cementitious matrix: a numerical study. Materials 9, 800 (2016).
Q. Li, B. Huang, S. Xu, B. Zhou and R.C. Yu. Compressive fatigue damage and failure mechanism of fibre reinforced cementitious material with high ductility. Cement and Concrete Research 90(2016) 174-183.
E. Poveda, R.C. Yu, J.C. Lancha and G. Ruiz, A numerical study on the fatigue life design of concrete slabs for railway tracks, Engineering Structures 100 (2015) 455-467
A. Medeiros, X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, R.C. Yu and M.S.L. Velasco. Effect of the loading frequency on the compressive fatigue behavior of plain and fiber reinforced concrete. International Journal of Fatigue, 70 (2015) 342-350
X.X. Zhang, A.M. Abd Elzaim, G. Ruiz and R.C. Yu. Fracture behaviour of steel-fibre reinforced concrete at a wide range of loading rates. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 71(2014) 89-96.
Saucedo, L., R.C. Yu, A. Medeiros, X.X. Zhang and G. Ruiz. A probabilistic fatigue model based on the initial distribution to consider frequency effect in plain and fibre reinforced concrete. International Journal of Fatigue, 48(2013)308–318.
J.R. Carmona, R. Porras, R.C. Yu and G. Ruiz. A fracture mechanics model to describe the buckling behavior of lightly reinforced concrete columns. Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 588-599.
A. Rosa, R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz, L. Saucedo and J.L.A. Sousa, A loading rate dependent cohesive model for concrete fracture, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 71(2012) 897-911.
L. Saucedo, R.C. Yu and G. Ruiz, Fully-developed FPZ length in quasi-brittle materials. International Journal of Fracture 178(2012) 97–112.
X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, R.C. Yu, E. Poveda and R. Porras, Rate effect on the mechanical properties of eight types of high-strength concrete and comparison with FIB MC2010. Construction and Building Materials 30, pp. 301-308, 2012.
I. Iglesias, B. Acosta, R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz, M. Aineto and A. Acosta, Study of Mechanical Characterization of Ceramic Specimens from a Brazilian Test Adaptation. Materiales de Construcción 61(2011)417-429.
Ruiz, G., Zhang, X.X., R.C. Yu, Porras, R., Poveda, E. and del Viso, J.R., Effect of loading rate on fracture energy of high-strength concrete, Strain 47(2011)518-524.
R.C. Yu, L. Saucedo and G. Ruiz, Finite-element study of the diagonal-tension failure in reinforced concrete beams, International Journal of Fracture 169(2011)169-182.
X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz and R.C. Yu, A new drop-weight impact machine for studying fracture processes in structural concrete, Strain 46(2010) 252–257.
X.X. Zhang, R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz, M. Tarifa and M.A. Cámara, Effect of loading rate on crack velocities in HSC, International Journal of Impact Engineering 37(2010) 359-370.
X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz, R.C. Yu and M. Tarifa, Fracture behaviour of high-strength concrete at a wide range of loading rates, International Journal of Impact Engineering 36(2009) 1204-1209.
X.X. Zhang, G. Ruiz and R.C. Yu, Experimental study of combined size and strain rate effects on the fracture of reinforced concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 20:(2008) 544-551.
R.C. Yu, X.X. Zhang and G. Ruiz, Cohesive modeling of dynamic fracture in reinforced concrete, Computers and Concrete 5(2008)389-400.
R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz and E.W.V Chaves. A comparative study between discrete and continuum models to simulate concrete fracture, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75(2008) 117-127.
X.X. Zhang, R. Liu, R. C. Yu, Strain rate and temperature effects on the yielding strength of a shipbuilding steel, Strain (2007) 43:58–61.
R.C. Yu and Ruiz, G., Explicit finite element modelling of static crack propagation in reinforced concrete. International Journal of Fracture 141(2006)357–372.
R.C. Yu and Ruiz, G., Modeling of static multi-cracking fracture processes in concrete using dynamic relaxation, Computers and Concrete 71(2004) 371-388.
R.C. Yu, G. Ruiz, G. and A. Pandolfi, Numerical investigation of the dynamic behavior of advanced ceramics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 71(2004) 897-911.
R.C. Yu, A. Pandolfi, M. Ortiz, D. Coker, and A. Rosakis, Three dimensional simulation of intersonic crack growth in unsymmetrically loaded unidirectional composite plates, International Journal of Solids & Structures39(2002) 6135-6157.