Mario Durán Prado (PI)
I did a degree in Biochemistry (with honors, 2000), followed by a Master Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (cum laude, 2002) at the University of Córdoba. My research followed with a PhD in Sciences (cum laude, 2007) in the field of molecular endocrinology and, specifically, analyzing the function of novel somatostatin receptors in health and disease. My postdoc with a Sara Borrell-ISCII contract (2008-2010) was focused in analyzing the role of cortistatin/somatostatin system in vessels dysfunction associated to atherosclerosis and breast cancer. In September 2010, the Medical School of Ciudad Real opened its doors and I could join this fascinating project from the early beginning, so I moved to Ciudad Real as Associate Professor of Cell Biology and joined the Oxidative Stress and Neurodegeneration Research Group (GEON) being the Principal Investigator since 2017. Herein, we started a novel and dichotomic research line, analyzing and exploiting the dysfunctional vasculature associated to Alzheimer`s disease and brain tumors as a therapeutic target to combat both diseases, focusing on modulating mitochondria and whole cell bioenergetics. I have directed several international, national and regional project and participated in many others from different entities including three funded by the European Union. I combined research with a, sometimes, intensive teaching of Cell Biology, Histology and Integrated Morphology, Structure and Function of the Human Body to students of the degree of Medicine, being several years coordinator of bachelor`s degree final projects. Since 2023, I have had the honor of being a board member of the Spanish Society for Cell Biology (SEBC).
In my free time, I love travelling, performing analog photography, mountaineering and climbing.

Juan Ramón Peinado Mena (co-PI)
Dr. Juan Ramón Peinado Mena has a degree in Biochemistry and Biology from the University of Cordoba. During his PhD in Sciences (European Doctorate mention) and in subsequent Post-Doctoral stays he has made numerous stays of several months in different laboratories in Europe and the U.S.A. His participation in more than 20 regional, national and international projects has allowed him to publish more than 55 articles in scientific journals of high impact at international level and he has also participated in the elaboration of several book chapters and scientific reviews. His lines of research have focused on the study of proteases in human pathologies, such as cancer, obesity and aging. He has worked on the optimization of proteomic approaches for the identification of biomarkers associated with various diseases. During the last 10 years he has dedicated his research to identify the molecular changes that underlie neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease. At present he is a University Professor and participates in the teaching of several subjects of Medicine degree and Master at the University of Cordoba. He also participates actively in various committees of the University of Castilla la Mancha.
Francisco Javier Alcaín
Francisco Javier Alcain Tejada holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Cordoba and is Professor of Cell Biology at the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real. During his scientific career he has investigated the role of antioxidants, such as ascorbate and coenzyme Q10, and antioxidant enzymes on cell proliferation and differentiation and aging. During the last years he has focused on the protective role of coenzyme Q10 for the endothelium of the cerebral microvasculature during the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease in cellular, animal and human models. He has directed 5 doctoral theses and directed several research projects with both public and private funding. He is the author of 80 scientific publications with an h-index of 29 and almost 2500 citations.

Francisco Javier Sancho Bielsa
Collaborating student for the Department of Cell Biology in the Faculty of Biology (University of Valencia), from 1997 to 2000. After a Ph.D. «cum laude», performing predoctoral stays in the University of Salamanca to learn techniques for recording cellular bioelectric activity, I was hired as a senior laboratory technician at the Príncipe Felipe Research Center in Valencia, in the group of Dr. Juan Antonio Barcia (2005), developing techniques in the field of neuronal regeneration. In mid 2011, I was hired as a Contracted Doctor Professor, in the area of Physiology belonging to the Department of Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine at Ciudad Real. Currently I am actively involved in the theoretical-practical teaching of the Physiology Area (Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real) and I am a researcher of the GEON, assigned to the Regional Center for Biomedical Research (CRIB) of the UCLM.
I love drawing, painting, reading and doing sport.

Javier Frontiñán Rubio
I have a degree in biology (2006-2011; University of Cordoba), a master’s degree in experimental biomedicine (2011-2012; University of Castilla-La Mancha) and a PhD in health sciences (2012-2016; University of Castilla-La Mancha). I´m Assistant Professor in the Area of Cell Biology of the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real, UCLM (since 2019) with more than 450 hours of teaching in the following subjects: Biology, Histology, Fundamentals of Medical Research and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Medical Pathology. Among the non-university teaching, highlighting the teaching of different courses to high school teachers on neuroscience applied to learning.
As for my free time, I am a non-professional basketball player, I love reading and popular science. Part of my free time is dedicated to writing and giving talks about the human brain. I also collaborate with different NGOs and social entities.

Yoana Rabanal Ruiz
I studied Biochemistry at the University of Córdoba (UCO), obtaining the qualification of Extraordinary Prize and Honorable Mention in the National End of Career Awards. Subsequently, I completed my International Doctoral Thesis at the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology of UCO, focused on the characterization of the function of GTPase Rab18 in adipose tissue, obtaining the qualification cum laude. During this stage, I made stays in centers in Strasbourg (Institute des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives, INCI) and Barcelona (University of Barcelona). Subsequently, I joined the Campus for Aging and Vitality (CAV) at Newcastle University as a researcher under the direction of Dr. Korolchuk, where my research specialized in the regulation of metabolism through mTOR-mediated signaling pathways and protein homeostasis mediated by the autophagic pathway, specifically, in the study of the relationship between autophagic processes and oxidative stress.
Former Lab Members
Sonia García Carpintero
Dr. Sonia García-Carpintero received her doctorate, after her stay at the TNO in the Netherlands, with an International Mention from the University of Córdoba in 2017. Later she joined the group of oxidative stress and neurodegeneration (GEON) of the Faculty of Medicine of Ciudad Real, focusing, among others, on the role of Ubiquinol in Alzheimer’s disease. During her time at GEON, she published several high-impact articles, including a first author, and also specialized in immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, as well as western blotting, cell culture management, cytometry, and the use of confocal microscopy. In 2020 she joined the MSOC Nanochemistry group through a project funded by the Horizon 2020 EU program “Graphene Flagship Core2”. She is currently working on nanogenotoxicity of materials related to graphene and other 2D materials for potential applications in human health, funded by the European project «Graphene Flagship Core 3». Now at Proteomics Unit, Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo.

Emilio Llanos González
I did my PhD in Medicine (2023) under the supervision of Mario Durán-Prado and Juan Ramón Peinado, analyzing the variation of brain protein modules signatures associated to the progression of Alzheimer`s disease. Resolutive Biomedical Scientist with 6+ years of experience in Oncology, Immunology, and Neurosciences. During that time, I published 12 high-impact articles and brought 8 research projects to positive completion. Creating robust scientific value on LinkedIn with high-impact posts and a growing network of 1,200+ contacts. Seeking a challenging career change where I can apply my expertise to bring high value to healthcare and life sciences.