The basic goal of the MOMU project is…

  • to provide new knowledge and models of multiprofessional work to HEI teachers who provide education to students and professionals who will work with young people and use art-based methods.
  • to answer to the European wide topic of youth alienation through better understanding, cooperation and use of art based methods as means of integrating young people into society by getting positive experiences through art and culture.
  • to give HE lecturers a possibility to update their knowledge and create new curriculums for new skills.
  • The MOMU handbook will describe how to best settle on common targets for working with young people and how to find the best practices for working together multiprofessionally.
  • The aim is to clarify borderline areas and ethical issues when artists and social workers work together.

The main activities of MOMU

Intellectual Outputs

  1. Description of Competencies and Work Distribution in Multiprofessional Cooperation.
  2. Training package of Multiprofessional Teaching for HE lecturers.
  3. Handbook, Teaching and Learning of Multiprofessional Work in the Field of Art and Social Work

The main research activities are…

  1. Collecting existing practices and state of the art in multiprofessional teamwork in art and social work, especially in the partner countries, but also more widely in the EU.
  2. Examining the definitions of competencies in these two professional fields and finding out the commonly used working methods when working collaboratively with young people. In addition to the competencies and working methods the project will also examine the multiprofessional study modules already used in HEIs.
  3. Interviewing working-life representatives, associate partners and other organisations to gain good perspective of the needs and expectations of the field of art and social work.
  4. Producing a process chart of multiprofessional teamwork.
  5. Compiling the materials into a research report and using these results in the development of the training package targeted at HE lecturers of art and social work. The conducted research and interviews will be the core materials when the competencies of art and social work professionals and division of work in the context of multiprofessional work with young people are defined.