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Sérgio CLAUDINO, Xosé M. SOUTO, Mª Angeles RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, João BAZOLLI, Raimundo LENILDE, Claudionei LUCIMAR GENGNAGEL, Luís MENDES, Adilson TADEU BASQUEROTE SILVA (2019): Geografia, Educação e Cidadania. Editor: ZOE/Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-636-276-0. doi: 10.33787/CEG20190004

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, María Ángeles y CLAUDINO, Sergio (Coord.) (2018): ¡Nosotros Proponemos! Ciudadanía, Sostenibilidad e Innovación Geográfica. Ante los desafíos educativos de la sociedad. Ed. GRAO. ISBN: 978-84-9980-912-0

%MCEPASTEBIN%JEREZ Garcia , O. DOMENECH Y RODRIGUEZ , Maria A. (2014 ) ( Ed.) : Protected Areas of Castilla -La Mancha . ICT and bilingualism as teaching resources for vocational training . Ed . Optimally in collaboration with the CYTEMA and University of Castilla -La Mancha . Real City. ISBN: 978-84-87087-84-4 .

SERRANO DE LA CRUZ SERRANO Santos OLMOS , MA AND RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH , Maria A. (2014 ) ( Ed.) : Educational tours by the Wet Spot . Digital Bilingual book . Ed . Optimally in collaboration with the CYTEMA and University of Castilla -La Mancha . Real City. ISBN: 978-84-87087-85-1 .

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Maria A. (2012 ) : New Urban Reality and Territorial Ciudad Real ( 1980-2010 ) . Ed . Manchego Institute (CSIC ) . Real City. ISBN: 84-87248-28-3

Papers in Teaching, Urban and Human Geography

Rodriguez-Domenech, M. A; Camarero Bullón, Concepción and Rodríguez Espinosa, Eduardo (2020): The cartographic representation of the La Mancha municipalities in the 18th century. The Ensenada Cadastre. Annals of Geography of the Complutense University with ISSN 0211-9803. Indexed in (SCOPUS Q-3). Sent 02-24-2020.

 Rodriguez-Domenech, M. A. The cartographic imagery of the Iberian peninsula, the result of textbooks. Iber. Social Sciences Teaching Magazine, 2020, 98, p. 14-19 (ISSN: 1133-9810).

CAÑIZARES, M.C and RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2020): “Recent urban practices and unfinished spaces near Madrid. An analysis from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) ”. Eure Magazine, No. 139, pp. . ISSN: 0250-7161 Indexed in ISI-JCR-SSCR. Q-4

GONZÁLEZ-MOHINO SÁNCHEZ, Miguel; RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, M.A. and CALLEJAS ALBIÑANA, A.I; (2020): Patterns of school knowledge about local heritage in medium-sized cities in Castilla-La Mancha. The case of Ciudad Real. Regional studies magazine. Acceptance date: 03/24/2019. ISSN: 0213-7585. Indexed in (SCOPUS Q-4).

Rodriguez-Domenech, M.Á .; Albiñana, A.I.C .; Sánchez, M.-M. Patterns of School Preference about the Local Heritage in Medium-Size Cities of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The Case of Ciudad Real. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 22. Indexed in (SCOPUS Q-1).

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A .; BELLO BRAVO; J.and PITTENDRIGH, B. (2019): “Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO): An Innovative Strategy for Promoting Education for Sustainable Development”. Sustainability Science. Sustain Sci (2019) 14: 1105. (ISSN: 1862-4057) Indexed in SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Q1 ISI-JCR-SSCR Q-1.

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. and CAMPO PAÍS, Benito (2018): “School solutions to citizen problems. The experience of “Nós Propomos”. Iber. Teaching Magazine of Social Sciences, 93, pp. 22-28 (ISSN: 1133-9810). 

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Maria A. (2015): “Geography in the LOMCE a lost occasion?” in Bulletin of the AGE, no. 67, pp. 403-433  Magazine rated by CIRC 2012: classification integrated scientific journals. Group A. indexed in ISI-JCR-SSCR

-Rodriguez Domenech, Maria A. (2014): “Urban planning and crisis in Castilla La Mancha. The crisis, the case of Ciudad Real landscapes” in Cuadernos de la Mancha studies (C.S.I.C.), Ciudad Real. No. 39, pp. 147-176  CIRC 2012: classification integrated scientific journals. Group D

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Maria A. & Rodríguez ESPINOSA, E. (2014): “The territory of the intendencia de la Mancha in the cadastre of ensenada. History, configuration and subsequent developments”in magazine land, no. 80. April 2014, pp. 91. 150. CIRC 2012: integrated classification of scientific journals. Group B.

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2011): “The University Campus of Ciudad Real (UCLM) and its impact on the transformation of the city” en Cuadernos de Estudios Manchegos (C.S.I.C), Ciudad Real, nº 36, pp. 135-152
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2010): “The importante of inmigration in a region without tradition: Castilla-La mancha more concretitly Ciudad Real ” en Boletín de la AGE, nº 53, pp. 285-305. ISSN: 02129426 (SJR 2011: Q3; 0,135)
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2008): “Approximation to the cartography of the territory of the Order of San Juan in the province of Ciudad Real” en Cuadernos de Estudios Manchegos (C.S.I.C), Ciudad Real, nº 32, pp. 339-370
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2007): “The surface of vineyard in the province of Ciudad Real. Distribution and recent evolution” en Cuadernos de Estudios Manchegos (C.S.I.C), Ciudad Real, nº 31, pp. 231-264
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2006): “The demographic recent evolution of the province of Ciudad Real (1991-2005)” en Cuadernos de Estudios Manchegos (C.S.I.C), Ciudad Real, nº 30, pp. 57-71.

Book Chapters in Urban and Human Geography

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A (2015): “Scenarios of the demographic crisis the rate of dependency in Castilla La Mancha”. XXIV Congress of the Association of Spanish geographers. Spatial analysis and geographic representation: innovation and application. Organized by Association of Spanish geographers. Held from 28 to 30 October in Zaragoza. (in press)

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A and ESPINOSA RODRÍGUEZ, e. (2015): “the town of Villamayor de Calatrava in the middle of the 18th according to the cadastre of Ensenada: General answers and memorials”. In the 1st National Congress City Real and its province. Organized by the Instituto de Estudios Manchegos. Held from April 13-17, 2015. Ciudad Real. (in press)

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A (2014): “The Campus of Ciudad Real (UCLM) and its impact on the transformation of the city” in GALÁN RUIZ, j. (Coord): IE Ángela Madrid and Medina. Ed. Instituto de Estudios Manchegos La Mancha (C.S.I.C.), Ciudad Real. 183-212 General collection, no. 92.  ISBN. 978-84-87248-33-7

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. & JOVER MARTÍ, J. (2013): “The impact of the bird in the tourism sector in the cities with station of Castilla – La Mancha”.  GUTIERREZ, JA. Et to the. (2013): services: Dynamics, infrastructures and Territorial Cohesion.  Ed. Research Group on sustainable development and Territorial Planning and Association of Spanish geographers. University of Extremadura. Cáceres. Pp. 453-470. ISBN.978-84-940784-1-5

RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A and TABASCO PLAZA, J. (2013): “pace and evolution of the demographic changes in Castilla – La Mancha. Territory in crisis? “.” Congress territories in crisis crisis would territories? organized by the research strengthened Territorial analysis group i Regional Development (ANTERRIT, SGR2009-253) of the Universitat de Barcelona. May 16-18 in Barcelona. (in press)

– RODRÍGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2011): “Immigration in Toledo. New processes of urban regeneration” en PUJADAS, I. et al. (ed): Población y espacios urbanos. Edita: Departamento de Geografia Humana de la UB y Grupo de Población de la AGE. pp. 595-608. ISBN: 978-84-694-2666-1.
– CAMPOS, M L., ESCUDERO, L.A. y RODRÍGUEZ, Mª A. (2010): “The new urban developments in the capital of Castilla-La Mancha” en CEBRIÁN ABELLÁN, F., et al. (coord.) (2010): Las escalas de la geografía: del mundo al lugar: homenaje al profesor Miguel Panadero Moya. pp. 329-356, ISBN 978-84-8427-753-8.
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. et al. (2009): “The Corridor Ciudad Real-Puertollano and the infrastructures of communication” en PEINADO, M. et al (Coord) (2009): Itinerarios geográficos y paisajes por la provincia de Ciudad Real. Guía de salida de campo del XXI Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles. Ed. UCLM y Diputación de Ciudad Real.
– CAMPOS ROMERO, Mª L. y RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2009): “Poblado Obrero. Vestiges of an social industrial urbanism industrial in the current Toledo” en CARAVACA, I., SILVA, R. Y FERNÁNDEZ SALINAS, V (Coord): Ciudades, culturas y fronteras en un mundo en cambio. IX Coloquio y Jornadas de Campo de Geografía Urbana. Ed: Grupo de Geografía Urbana (AGE) y Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla, 2009 pp. 408-422
– CAMPOS ROMERO, M L., ESCUDERO GÓMEZ, L.A. y RODRÍGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A (2009): “The projection of the POM on the new housing of Toledo” en PILLET CAPDEPÓN, F. et al.(coord.): Geografía, territorio y paisaje: el estado de la cuestión: actas del XXI congreso de geógrafos españoles, Ciudad Real 27-29 de octubre de 2009, pp. 129-144, ISBN 978-84-8427-721-7,
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2007): “The Intermediate Cities, an alternative to the urban desigualdades. The case of Ciudad Real” en Pensando la Geografía en red, Argentina. ISBN: 1851-1007
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2003): “The foreign Immigration in Bolaños de Calatrava. A diagnose for the intervention of local character” en VV.AA.: La dinámica geodemográfica protagonista del territorio. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2003, pp. 235-250.

Book Chapters in Teaching of Geography and Social Sciences Education

-MUÑOZ ESPINOSA, María E. and RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A (2015): “Teach and learn to think urban landscapes. The urban perception in cities”. XXIV Congress of the Association of Spanish geographers. Spatial analysis and geographic representation: innovation and application. Organized by Association of Spanish geographers. Held from 28 to 30 October in Zaragoza. (in press)

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A (2015): “The automation in urban geography learning and e-learning. A challenge for teachers” in NIETO, e. et al (Coord.): basic skills. Treatment of information and digital competence. Faculty of education. University of Castilla – La Mancha, (in press)

– JEREZ GARCIA, o.; RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A and ESCOBAR LAHOZ, e. (2014): “The didactic itinerary as an educational resource for the development of environmental values” in SÁEZ MARTÍNEZ, F.J; GUADAMILLAS GÓMEZ, f. & MARTIN, r. (Cood.): teaching experiences in energy and environment. University Vocational Training Network, first edition. Editions of the University of Castilla – La Mancha, pp. 60-73 No. 105 of institutional collections, in electronic format (epub). ISBN 978-84-8427-873-3. Available in the international digital platform Google Play Books. Do  

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A (2014): “protected areas in Castilla – La Mancha. A bilingual application to the formative cycle of guide, tourist information and assistance” in JEREZ GARCIA, O. and RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Maria to.  (Coord.) (2014): Protected Areas from Castilla – La Mancha. ICT and bilingualism as teaching resources for vocational training.  Optimal ed. in collaboration with the CYTEMA and Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha. Ciudad Real. Chapter 3, pp. 59-82 ISBN: 978-84-87087-84-4.

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A (2014): “Innovation in the teaching of geographic skills. The mobile learning and the project “Educating CR App” in MARTÍNEZ MEDINA, r. and TONDA MONLLOR, E.M. (Eds): new conceptual and methodological perspectives for geographic education. Didactics of geography (Centre) and University of Cordoba group. (Complete work) ISBN: 978-84-940784-5-3. Volume 2. Pp. 589-608. Link online:

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A. et al (2014): “Mind-mapping and the development of spatial and emotional competencies” in NIETO, e. et al (Coord.): basic skills. The emotional competence. Faculty of education. University of Castilla – La Mancha, pp. 105. 117. ISBN. 978-84-695-9612-8.

– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª. A (2014): “Mind maps as a resource in the emotional and spatial learning in the city. Its application to Ciudad Real (Spain) “VISA Barbosa, M. (Coord): learning and advanced teaching methods.” Ed. ACCI. Net vision. Madrid. New educational impulse collection. chap. XXVI, pp. 331-350 ISBN. 978-84-15705-11-6

– JEREZ GARCÍA, O. et al. (2013): “The didactic itinerary as an educational resource for the development of environmental values” en el I encuentro de Experiencias Docentes en Educación Superior. Jornadas University Vocational Trainning (UVT) Network. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Celebrado el 26 de junio de 2013 en Ciudad Real. (en prensa)
– GULÍAS GONZALEZ et al (2013): “Perception of emotional competence in children from 8-12 years old: gender differences”. III Congreso Internacional De Competencias Básicas. La competencia emocional. Facultad de Educación. UCLM. 24,25 y 26 de Abril 2013 (en prensa)
– RODRÍGUEZ DOMENECH et al (2013): “Mind maps and the development of spatial and emotional competencies”. III Congreso Internacional De Competencias Básicas. La competencia emocional. Facultad de Educación. UCLM. 24,25 y 26 de Abril 2013 (en prensa)
– RODRÍGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. et al. (2012): “Teach geography in the light of the new social and environmental challenges. Environmental issues in the Guadiana river basin in textbooks (Spain and Portugal)” en DE MIGUEL, R. et al (Ed): La educación geográfica digital. Ed. Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles y Universidad de Zaragoza, en colaboración con la red Comenius ISBN: 978-84-938551-9-2
– RODRÍGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. et al. (2012): “The regional explanation of the Iberian Peninsula and its influence on an incomplete geographical teaching” en DOMINIC ROYÉ et al. (Coord) : XIII Congreso Ibérico de Geografía, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela del 24-27 de octubre de 2012. ISBN-13: 978-84-940469-7-1. Editorial: Meubook
– RODRÍGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2012): “Innovation and research in educational practice” en DURÁN, F.R et al. (Eds): Innovación metodológica y docente en Historia, Arte y Geografía. Actas del Congreso Internacional. Actas Congreso Internacional Innovación Metodológica y Docente en Historia, Arte y Geografía, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela del 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2011. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 978- 84- 9887- 932- 2
– JEREZ, O.; RODRÍGUEZ, Mª A., FRANCISCO, F. MARTÍN, J. (2010): “Geography and his didactics. An offer for the formation of the teachers in the University of Castilla-La Mancha” en MARRÓN GAITE, M J. (coord.): Geografía, educación y formación del profesorado en el marco del espacio europeo de educación superior, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 423-440, ISBN 978-84-933457-3-0
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2006): “The Education of the Geography to different scales applied to the relief of the Province of Ciudad Real” en MARRÓN GAITE, Mª J y SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, L.: Cultura geográfica y educación ciudadana. Ed. Grupo de Didáctica de la Geografía (AGE), Murcia, pp.143-160
– RODRIGUEZ DOMENECH, Mª A. (2000): “The education of the electoral Geography across the computer science. The choices in the province of Ciudad Real (1977-2000)” en GONZÁLEZ ORTIZ, J.L. et al.(ed): Geografía, Profesorado y Sociedad. Teoría y práctica de la Geografía en la Enseñanza, AGE, Univ. de Murcia y Región de Murcia. Consejería de Educación y Universidades, pp. 219-226